On Sunday, 2 weeks after Teen Week, Bro. Tim McVey was preaching a meeting at my church. God had been dealing with me on and off for about 15 years on salvation. The last 2 years is when I could really clearly see things I had about me that were wrong and were hindering me. I thought I was so close to salvation 2 years ago at a Rick Rose meeting, I left convicted and it went away. I wanted to deal with God at home, but it was gone. I went a while, empty, and wanted God to give me a desire for him again. On Sunday, when Bro. Tim was preaching, he said believe and come. (I had told God if he ever dealt with me again, I would not leave undealt with.) I had been raised knowing that God could do anything, but doubting he would save me. I saw Stephanie and many others change, so I knew it was possible, Pastor always preached that God wanted to save us. So slowly I watched and that helped me to see that God really would. I had seen many things over the years about myself, and I changed them when God showed me them. But sometimes some of it would come up and I knew the root of the problem was still there and only God could help me. The lying, bitterness, hatred, anger, selfishness, rebellion, talking bad about a preacher that I had problems with, and a lot more. Seeing this show in my kids, they did it, because they saw me do it. I knew something had to change and only God could fix it. Seeing David as a 6 month old baby and Kaitlyn a 13 year old, and realizing that I had her and I was in the same spiritual situation now as I was 15 years ago, and how much time had passed. I saw that I just wasted a lot of time when it all comes down to it, my soul’s situation is all that mattered over the time. Bro. Tim said believe and come. It happened after church. I felt God telling me believe like I did everything else. Then come and I was more than willing to come, no secret that I needed to. I went to my van after church and told God I believe it all because that’s what it says. I had been needing to come and wanting to and willing, but… believing was so hard. Before and at Teen Week, I had been begging God to help me believe. Sunday God was dealing with me and I did not want to just leave after church (like I had 2 years earlier and God stopped dealing with me). So after church I went outside to my car and prayed and read my bible and just told God I believe because the bible says it. I completely believe every word and he said he would save me if I just came. I was coming now and for the first time, this time I did not question God on if he saved me, or will he, or maybe he did, maybe he didn’t. I had total peace and assurance that he did that for me because that’s what he said he would do and I was done doing it my way.
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