The Christian testimonies on this website are of everyday people whose lives have been changed by the redeeming power of God. They may live in your community; shop at the same stores you do, yet have struggles in life just like you and I have. Most are not published authors, and their way of expressing themselves may not be all that professional, but because of their gratitude for what Jesus Christ has done in their lives...they feel compelled to share their stories. (found from:
- Home
- Black Creek Baptist Church
- * Pastor Timothy McVey
- Pastor Tim McVey: Thurs Bible Study
- The Poison Prayer
- Lydia Black
- Dale's Testimony
- Amy's Testimony
- Corey Clinton
- Chelsea
- Chelsea LaRoche recording
- Tonia Spencer
- Ronnie Scolton
- Jodi Montgomery
- Kyle Beil
- Michael Asquith
- Tonya Asquith
- Carl Asquith
- Stephen Asquith
- Peter Cornelius
- Corey Jackson
- Ruth Jackson
- Meghan Black
- Pastor Phil Seely
- Natalie Seely
- A Plain Man's Testimony
- * Pastor John Asquith
- Pure Cambridge Blog
- * Pastor Roger Hain
- * Dale Morey
- Liberty Behind Bars Ministry
- * Living Water Baptist Church
- How Hath God Profited You
- * Preacher's Corner
- * Special Meetings at Black Creek
- * Additional Special Meetings
- Congregational Music